Management System
Integrated Management System
services and products custom configured to meet your organization’s needs, requirements, and expectations.
A management system is a set of policies, processes and procedures used by an organization to ensure that it can fulfill the tasks required to achieve its objectives. These objectives cover many aspects of the organization's operations, including financial success, safe operation, product or service quality, operational efficiency, client relationships, legislative and regulatory conformance, and worker management
An Integrated Management System (IMS) is a complete overarching framework that combines all aspects of an organization’s systems, policies, processes, and any industry frameworks or standards that the organization follows, such as ISO 9001, ISO 20000-1, CMMI SVC, CMMI DEV. An IMS allows these disparate components to be combined so that they simultaneously cover all standard-specific requirements while eliminating duplication, optimizing processes and resources, as well as reducing activity time, interruption time and costs.
When you win, we win.
The Foundation for Policy and Governance (FPG), a Management Systems Advisory firm, wants to be your organizational process, governance, and risk “Success Partner”.
Foundation for Policy and Governance (FPG) is a small business helping organizations achieve quality, maturity, and performance objectives through an understanding of where their practices stand against industry best practices and where improvements can be made. Without knowing where we are on the path, we cannot know how far we have remaining to travel, or which direction to pursue.
Whether your business provides IT systems and services, software engineering, or other services and products, FPG can provide an assessment of where your processes are on the improvement and maturity path.
FPG is uniquely qualified and positioned with more than 30 years of expertise in Management Systems:
Continuous improvement
Need a partner who can help your company achieve Management System success? Need a team that understands the importance of timely delivery, Return on Investment (ROI), and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)? FPG has a team of seasoned professionals ready to assist. We are a collaborative and approachable company with over 30 years of experience in planning, developing, implementing, evaluating, assessing, auditing, and certifying Management Systems.
At FPG, we have a non-negotiable set of guiding principles which govern and motivate every client/customer interaction. We understand the importance of quality, service, reliability, and impartiality in the delivery of our services and products. We manage confidentiality, objectivity and Conflict of Interest (COI) through a deliberate series of risk management, client relationship management, performance management and peer review management processes designed to provide only the highest quality services and products demanded by all of our clients.